SASA Journal

Journal of the South African Society of Archivists

South African Society of Archivists

Peer Review
All articles shall be critically blind reviewed by at least two independent referees after passing preliminary review by the editors. No reviewer is required to review more than two papers per issue. Reviewers are requested to mentor authors by providing feedback on how to improve the submission and to determine whether or not a paper is fit for publication. Reviewers are provided with reviewer guidelines which must be strictly adhered to.

Open Access Policy
This Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The Journal offers the Diamond Open Access route in which the authors, institutions, or funders do not pay an Open Access Fee and the reader does not pay to read. The Diamond Open Access route allows institutions and professional societies to publish peer reviewed scholarly literature without charging authors and readers.

Publication Scheduling
The JSASA publishes one issue per year around November of each year.

South African Society of Archivists (SASA)

SASA National Committee (2022-2025)
Chairperson: iNkosi Jongisilo Pokwana Ka Menziwa, Vusizwe Foundation – Eastern Cape

Deputy Chairperson: Ms Maite Manganye, North West Provincial Archives

Secretary: Dr Nikiwe Momoti, University of Western Cape

Treasurer: Mr Nkitseng Mahalefa, Mpumalanga Provincial Archives

Editor-in-Chief: Prof Ngoako Marutha, University of South Africa

Editor: Dr Tshepho Mosweu, University of Botswana

Additional Members:

Mr Alexio Motsi, representative of National Archives of South Africa

Mr Jabu Nkatingi, former SASA Chairperson

Administrator: Mr Lucas Neelo, South African Society of Archivists

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1012-2796

Journal Aim and Scope

The Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) is published annually by the South African Society of Archivists. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews in English on archival science, records and information management and oral history. The purpose of the JSASA is to disseminate research content that support high level learning, teaching, community engagement and research in archives and records management. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. Emphasis is on empirical research. However, opinion papers and articles of high quality on theoretical aspects will be considered.

Process for review

All articles shall be critically blind reviewed by at least two independent referees after passing preliminary review by the editors.

Copyrights and plagiarism

Copyright of all published materials is vested in SASA. However, articles reflect the views of the contributors. The editors, editorial board, sponsors and SASA are not responsible for the accuracy of the statements made by contributors. It is the responsibility of the author to make sure all sources cited and quoted in their work is duly cited and acknowledged. The author takes the responsibility to ensure that all information published in their papers are not subject to any copyrights infringements and should that be the case, author indemnify the publisher against breach of any such warrant. The author may also need to seek written permission for using materials produced by other parties in their articles before submission for publication.

Declarations and Acknowledgements

Author must make the following declarations and acknowledgements just before the list of references:


  • The manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication with any other journal or copyrighted publishing platform of any kind.
  • Permission was granted for collection and publication of the presented identifiable data from target organisation (if applicable. NB: Permission letter must be provided with manuscript).
  • Unlawful statements that infringe any existing copyrights is avoided in the manuscript.
  • We/I have sought permission for copyright from 3rd parties by obtaining the necessary permission from the copyright holder/s to reproduce their materials in different media in the article, such as tables, diagrams and photographs owned by them.
  • Manuscript and study meet all the ethical requirements of the journal and that of my institution or company, as well as legal requirements of the study country.
  • There is no any potential conflict of interest for the research.
  • All authors are familiar with the content of this manuscript and gave consent to co-publish.
  • All authors contributed to the writing of the article manuscript.
  • Authors take responsibility to keep participants information confidential as required by legislations including Protection of personal information Act


Author must make acknowledgement for any contribution in the study such as the following:

  • Contribution from any third party rather than co-authors.
  • Support from any organisation in one way or the other, including funding for the study.

Format of article

The article must be in MS Word typed in Times New Roman, in 12-point font size, in 1.0 line spacing.

Length of article

Contributions should not be less than 3000 words or exceed 6000 words including the list of reference. Book reviews should not exceed 500 words.

Title of article

A short title of not more than 16 words should appear on the first page. A subtitle should not exceed 10 words if applicable. The title should also relate to the key issues (purpose) of the article.

Author details

All authors names, affiliations, ORCID number and e-mail addresses details should appear on the first page just below the title of the article.         

Abstract of article

Each article must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 300 words in length. The abstract should give the content of the article concisely covering purpose, problem statement, methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations.


Abstract must be preceded by up to six key words for abstracting and indexing purposes


Headings must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.

Notes,  Endnotes or Footnotes

Notes,  Endnotes or Footnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers in upper script and listed at the bottom of applicable pages (footnotes), or at the end of the article (notes and endnotes).

Category of article

Categorise your article under one of these classifications:

  • Research article
  • Viewpoint
  • Technical article
  • Conceptual article
  • Case study
  • Literature review
  • Practitioner paper
  • Book review

Figures and Tables

  • Tables and figures must be submitted in the manuscript document.
  • Discussion must make reference to the figures or tables in case they are included in the manuscript
  • All tables and figures should be labelled sequentially.


The Harvard author-date system of referencing is used within the text as the key to the full list of all references that appears at the end of the article. Look at the text citation examples below:

Single author: beginning of sentence
Kemoni  (2011:131)

Single author: end of sentence
(Marutha 2019:127)

Two authors: beginning of sentence
Marutha and Ngoepe (2017: 6)

Two authors: end of sentence
(Marutha & Ngulube 2012: 41)

Three to four: authors beginning of sentence
Ngulube,  Mokwatlo  and Ndwandwe (2009: 107)

Three to four authors: end of sentence
(Ngulube,  Mokwatlo  & Ndwandwe 2009: 107)

Five or more authors: beginning of sentence
Ngoepe, et al. (2019: 37)

Five or more authors: end of sentence
(Ngulube, et al. 2019: 15)

Source without date
National Archives of South Africa (n.d)

The list of references should include every work cited in the article. Use the heading ReferencesDo not right justify the list of references.

Examples of how to cite books, journal articles, theses, websites and etc. are given below (please note capitalisation, punctuation and layout):

Journals articles
Modiba, T., Ngoepe, M. & Ngulube, P. 2019. Application of disruptive technologies to the management and preservation of records. Mousaion 37(1): 1-14.

Yusof, ZM & Chell, RW. 2005. Issues in records management. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti.

Book chapters
Marutha, N.S. 2020. Studying medical records management in the public healthcare sector of South Africa using multi-method. In Ngulube, P. (ed.). Handbook of Research on Connecting Research Methods for Information Science Research. IGI Global, 404-424. Doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1471-9.ch021

Thesis and dissertations
Maluleka, J.R. 2017. Acquisition, transfer and preservation of indigenous knowledge by traditional healers in the Limpopo province of South Africa. PhD Thesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

Website articles
Reed, B. 2005. Reading the records continuum: interpretations and explorations. Available at: (accessed: 29 March 2014).

Conference presentation
Mosweu, O. 2019. Skills and competencies for authenticating digital records in the audit process in Botswana’s public sector. Paper read at South African Society of Archivists Conference, Birchwood Hotel, 3-5 July 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa. Available at:  (accessed 07 December 2019).

Archival or other unpublished sources
Madiba, N. 1990. Life and Time in Prison .Unpublished manuscript, Madiba Private archives, Records Series, 9/2/2, Box 2, Mpumalanga Provincial archives, Mpumalanga

Newspaper article
Maponya, F. 2013. No medical records, no treatment. Sowetan, 10 April: 6.

Submitting to the journal

Manuscripts meeting all the requirements of the journal should be submitted to the editors via e-mail, Prof Ngoako Marutha (Editor in Chief) at and Dr Tshepho Mosweu (Deputy Editor) at

Editorial Board (2022 – 2025)

Prof Kelvin Bwalya (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)

Dr Eric Boamah (Open Polytechnic, New Zealand)

Prof Forget Chaterera-Zambuko (Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi)

Dr Shadrack Katuu (University of South Africa, South Africa)

Dr Segomotso Keakopa (ESARBICA Editor)

Prof Lekoko Kenosi (Qatar Foundation, Qatar)

Prof James Lowry (Queens College, City University of New York, United States)

Prof Basma Makhlouf Shabou (University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland)

Prof Nathan Mnjama (University of Botswana, Botswana)

Dr Olefhile Mosweu (Botswana Power Corporation, Botswana)

Prof Cathrine Nengomasha (University of Namibia, Namibia)

Prof Mpho Ngoepe (University of South Africa, South Africa)

Prof Patrick Ngulube (University of South Africa, South Africa)

Dr Elsabeh Maseh (Moi University, Kenya)

Dr Pimphot Seelakate (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

Dr Francois Verster, Company Archivist, Media 24, South Africa

Issue VolumeIssue Link
Volume 56 of 2023View Issue
Volume 55 of 2022View Issue
Volume 54 of 2021View Issue
Volume 53 of 2020View Issue
Volume 52 of 2019View Issue
Volume 51 of 2018View Issue
Volume 50 of 2017View Issue
Volume 49 of 2016View Issue
Volume 48 of 2015View Issue
Volume 47 of 2014View Issue
Volume 46 of 2013View Issue
Volume 45 of 2012View Issue
Volume 44 of 2011View Issue

Call for paper manuscripts for publication in the 2024 issue of the Journal of the South African Society of Archivists

You are cordially invited to submit your manuscript to be considered for publication in the Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) 2024 issue. The deadline for submission of manuscripts as per this call is 27 March 2024.

Guidelines for contributors

Authors are kindly advised to ensure that their manuscripts strictly conform to the criteria below, otherwise manuscripts may be rejected and not be taken through the review process.

Journal Aim and Scope

The Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) is published annually by the South African Society of Archivists. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews in English on archival science, records and information management, as well as oral history. The purpose of the JSASA is to disseminate research content that support high level learning, teaching, community engagement and research in archives, oral history and records management. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form or be under consideration for publication with another journal. Emphasis is on empirical research. However, opinion papers and articles of high quality on theoretical aspects will be considered.

Process for review
All articles shall be critically blind reviewed by at least two independent referees after passing preliminary review by the editors.

Copyrights and plagiarism
Copyright of all published materials is vested in SASA. However, articles reflect the views of the contributors. The editors, editorial board, sponsors and SASA are not responsible for the accuracy of the statements made by contributors. It is the responsibility of the author to make sure all sources cited and quoted in their work is duly cited and acknowledged. The author takes the responsibility to ensure that all information published in their papers are not subject to any copyrights infringements and should that be the case, author indemnify the publisher against breach of any such warrant. The author may also need to seek written permission for using materials produced by other parties in their articles before submission for publication.

Format of article
The article must be in MS Word typed in Times New Roman, in 12-point font size, in 1.0 line spacing.

Length of article
Contributions should not be less than 3000 words or exceed 6000 words including the list of reference. Book reviews should not exceed 500 words.

Title of article
A short title of not more than 16 words should appear on the first page. A subtitle should not exceed 10 words if applicable. The title should also relate to the key issues (purpose) of the article.

Author details
All authors names, affiliations, ORCID number and e-mail addresses details should appear on the first page just below the title of the article.

Abstract of article
Each article must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 300 words in length. The abstract should give the content of the article concisely covering purpose, problem statement, methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Abstract must be preceded by up to six key words for abstracting and indexing purposes.

Headings must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.

Notes, Endnotes or Footnotes
Notes, Endnotes or Footnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers in upper script and listed at the bottom of applicable pages (footnotes), or at the end of the article (notes and endnotes).

Category of article
Categorise your article under one of these classifications:
Research article
Technical article
Conceptual article
Case study
Literature review


Headings must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.

Notes,  Endnotes or Footnotes

Notes,  Endnotes or Footnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers in upper script and listed at the bottom of applicable pages (footnotes), or at the end of the article (notes and endnotes).

Category of article

Categorise your article under one of these classifications:

  • Research article
  • Viewpoint
  • Technical article
  • Conceptual article
  • Case study
  • Literature review


The Harvard author-date system of referencing is used within the text as the key to the full list of all references that appears at the end of the article. Look at the text citation examples below:

The Harvard author-date system of referencing is used within the text as the key to the full list of all references that appears at the end of the article. 

The list of references should include every work cited in the article. Use the heading References. Do not right justify the list of references.

Examples of how to cite books, journal articles, theses, websites and etc. are given below:

Author may choose to acknowledge other contributors other than co-authors under this section at the end of the References list such as funders for research project.

Submitting to the journal
Manuscripts meeting all the requirements of the journal should be submitted electronically as Word document to editors Prof Ngoako Marutha and Dr Tshepho Mosweu

Authors may access an electronic copy of the Journal published articles.

Office D68
239 Madiba Street
Old Library Building
South Africa

Principal Contact:
Prof Marutha Ngoako
University of South Africa (UNISA)
Phone +27817280706

Support Contact: Administrator
Phone +27 (0) 124336361

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