EliteEdge Development Initiative

EliteEdge, The Mentorship Termed Programme

EliteEdge Development Initiative Call for Applications

 The South African Society of Archivists (SASA) invites applications from its members for consideration for the EliteEdge Development Initiative. 

 In recognition of the evolving landscape of the profession, SASA acknowledges the importance of fostering knowledge transfer, promoting continuous learning, and encouraging professional engagement among both new and experienced professionals. 

Despite the evident benefits of mentorship programmes in various professions, the archives and records management field in South Africa is facing a void in structured platform for knowledge exchange. This gap has posed significant challenges, including limited career growth, skills deficiencies, and loss of institutional knowledge. SASA stepped up to address this critical need by introducing a comprehensive mentorship programme tailored specifically for professionals in the field. 

 The SASA EliteEdge Development initiative is designed to achieve the following objectives: 

• To foster knowledge and skills transfer from experienced professionals to mentees with a common goal of ensuring continuous professional development. 

• Facilitate networking opportunities for members by creating a platform where new professions can connect with leaders and peers within the association for the betterment of the profession at large. 

• Develop a firm grasp of professional ethics, standards, and best practice in the sector and thereby fostering commitment to responsible and strong adherence to ethical principles. 

• Build a sense of community amongst members of the association by creating mentoring relations that encourage continuous collaboration. 

• Instill a culture of lifelong learning amongst members of the association. 

• Encourage members to embrace innovation and adaptability at their workplaces with the view of keeping up with industry trends and technological advancement. 

To participate in this programme, please note the following criteria before proceeding with your application: 

• Applicants must be SASA members. 

• Applicants must have less than five years’ experience in the field of ARM. 

• Applicant should have access to reliable internet connection and necessary technology devices capable of ensuring full participation in virtual meetings or other activities. 

• Participant must be available to commit his or her time to a 12 month mentorship programme. 

• Participants must be available to contribute to any work done by SASA (i.e. arrange workshops or conferences, proofread papers for SASA journals, market the association, etc.) 

SASA EliteEdge Development Initiatives offers several benefits and opportunities for young professionals in the field of archives and records management which include: 

• Participants will have access to an experienced mentor who will guide and support to achieve their professional goals. 

• Participants will have the opportunity to attend all workshops organised by SASA. 

• Participants will attend and present a paper at SASA annual conference on a project they have been working on throughout the year. 

• Participate in SASA membership recruitment drive. 

• This programme is a networking opportunity for new professionals as the participants will be expected to participate in workshops, conferences, seminars, bootcamps and also work with SASA executive on specific projects. 

• Publish at least one article on a topic decided by mentor and mentee in a reputable journal. 

Mentees must be committed to do the following: 

• Demonstrate a strong commitment to their professional development within the field. 

• Meet with mentors on a regular basis throughout the programme. 

• Attend all meetings organised by coordinators, including planning sessions and network. 

• Participate in organising SASA workshop, seminars, and conference. 

• Manage and facilitate SASA EliteEdge Development Initiative social media accounts. 

• Market and encourage ARM professionals to join SASA. 

• In all interactions, mentees are expected to conduct themselves professionally by respecting the deadlines, guidelines and expectations set by the SASA and their mentors. 

The programme shall run for a period of 12 months from the date of admission. 

The deadline for 2024 cohort is 15 July 2024. We encourage those who are interested to apply before the deadline. 

Click here to apply 


EliteEdge, The Mentorship Termed Programme

EliteEdge Development Initiative Call for Mentors

 South African Society of Archivists (SASA) invites application from mid-career or senior professionals in the field of archives and records management to serve as mentors for the mentorship termed programme. This role requires someone who is passionate about making the difference in early career professionals in the field. 

In recognition of the evolving landscape of the profession, SASA acknowledges the importance of fostering knowledge transfer, promoting continuous learning, and encouraging professional engagement among both new and experienced professionals. 

Despite the evident benefits of mentorship programmes in various professions, the archives and records management field in South Africa is facing a void in structured platform for knowledge exchange. This gap has posed significant challenges, including limited career growth, skills deficiencies, and loss of institutional knowledge. SASA stepped up to address this critical need by introducing a comprehensive mentorship programme tailored specifically for professionals in the field. 

Participation in the SASA EliteEdge Development Initiative as a mentor is 100% voluntary and it is rooted on the advancement of the archives and records management industry. 

Mentors should be committed to do the following: 

• Commit time every month to engage with the mentee throughout the year. Both mentor and mentee will agree on the best way to communicate. 

• Where possible, be willing to involve mentees in some of the project or activities they are currently working on. 

• To ensure the quality and accuracy of mentees’ work, mentors should be available to review some of their written content before publication. These could include research papers, pieces intended for newsletters, social media posts, or any form of written content. 

Participation in the SASA EliteEdge Development Initiative as mentors comes with the following benefits: 

• Network opportunities 

• Active involvement in promoting a sense of community and shared purpose among fellow professionals. 

• Gaining fresh perspective and new insights 

• Legacy building 

• Mentors will be up to date with emerging trends, technologies, and practice when they engage with mentees. 

Mentors will participate in the programme for a duration of 12 months from the date of appointment.

If you are interested in participating in the SASA EliteEdge Development Initiative as a mentor, kindly send your application letter to the following email addresses: mojapmg@unisa.ac.za and shekgmm@unisa.ac.za. Kindly copy administrator@saarchivist.co.za. Further information will be requested from successful applicants. 

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